22.08.2011 | Prague | Press Releases
GTS Central Europe (GTS), a leading infrastructure-based telecommunications operator and data center services provider, announced today the successful completion of testing to MEF 9 and MEF 14 Certification for its portfolio of Ethernet Services. The MEF (Metro Ethernet Forum) certification program is the telecommunication industry’s reference for Carrier Ethernet excellence. GTS thus becomes the first central and eastern European based operator which has attained this certification.
“Given the rapidly growing demand for applications requiring a high bandwidth connection, Ethernet is the preferredconnectivity solution for corporate and wholesale customers,” said Ignacio Irurita, CTO of the GTS group. “The successful completion of certification process guarantees our customers that the GTS Ethernet products are governed by the highest standards in the telecommunication industry and confirms that we provide services of the highest quality. It is a key component in our strategy to provide customers with unparalleled services in the CEE region.”
The GTS portfolio of Ethernet services is comprised of GTS Ethernet Line, GTS Ethernet VPN, GTS Ethernet Media Line and GTS Ethernet NNI. These services bring unmatched new benefits including significant total savings of ownership expenses, exceptional scalability, flexible QoS and highly reliable solutions.
MEF is a global non-profit organization which is dedicated to the accelerated adoption of the Ethernet as the preferred network and services technology. Membership of the organization is composed of more than 180 service providers, equipment manufacturers and testing companies which develop technical specifications and recommendations to ensure compatibility and interconnectivity among operator networks.
“As the first central eastern European based provider to be certified to MEF 9 and 14, GTS joins the growing number of global service providers who are committed to delivering MEF certified Carrier Ethernet services to their enterprise and wholesale clients” stated Nan Chen, MEF President. “We look forward to GTS’ continuing work within the region to help realize the MEF’s mission of accelerating the adoption of Carrier Ethernet.”
All required tests for awarding the certificate are carried out on live services provisioned across GTS’ production network by Iometrix, which is the accredited -testing authority of MEF,.
The GTS Group operates a unique Ethernet network covering the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Romania. Continually increasing numbers of customers’ applications require a high-speed data connection and therefore GTS is constantly at work on the development of Ethernet based services, the ideal medium for demanding applications.
About MEF:
The MEF, as the defining body for Carrier Ethernet is a global industry alliance comprising more than 180 organizations including telecommunications service providers, cable MSOs, network equipment/software manufacturers, semiconductors vendors and testing organizations. The MEF’s mission is to accelerate the worldwide adoption of Carrier-class Ethernet networks and services. The MEF develops Carrier Ethernet technical specifications and implementation agreements to promote interoperability and deployment of Carrier Ethernet worldwide. More information is available at www.metroethernetforum.org.