

GTS respects national legislation and has aligned with the procedures and standards of the Deutsche Telekom (DTAG) group, of which it is a member, including through the adoption of the DTAG Code of Conduct and compliance policies.

We invite you to learn more about Compliance by taking part in the training proposed by Deutsche Telekom.

GTS has always relied on, and continues to rely on, integrity, respect, and compliance with the law. Therefore, we have the same expectations from our business partners. Being a GTS partner means implicitly adhering to the DTAG Supplier Code of Conduct.

Under Romanian Law 361/2022 and in accordance with GTS and DTAG group internal policies, we provide you with the following communication channels and contact details to report any irregularities, orally or in writing, even in the unlikely event of a breach of legal regulations by GTS employees or consultants:

DTAG Electronic Whistleblowing System (BKMS)

Anonymous tip-offs

Your tip-off will be treated in the strictest confidence. If you are concerned about revealing your name, you can use BKMS (Business Keeper Monitoring Systems), which acts as an electronic mailbox. It also enables anonymous dialog with us. The IT system used is certified and provides the necessary technology to guarantee anonymity for whistleblowers.
Your tip-off will be automatically directed to DTAG.

Click here to make an anonymous report

Toll free number:

Monday – Friday, 10:00 -17:00: 0800400035

Dedicated e-mail address:


To send your complaint to GTS Telecom, please write here:

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