ISO 27001 Certification – Information security management system
Our operational processes are based on the Information Security Management System in accordance with ISO 27001 requirements, that is yearly audited and certified by DNV. The GTS Telecom policy in the field of security is shown here

ISO 9001 Certification - Quality management system
Everything we do focuses on our customers’ requirements and expectations. Our quality management system is certified in accordance with ISO 9001 that is yearly audited and certified by DNV. The GTS Telecom policy in the field of quality, environment, occupational health and safety is shown here

Authorization for electronic archiving
We have an Authorization for conducting electronic archiving operations, that was granted through the Order of the Minister of Communications and Information Society. The authorization issued by MCSI (Ministry of Communication and Information Society) certifies the fulfillment by the GTS Telecom Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca data centers of the specific requirements for electronic archiving, at the highest level, in accordance with the specific legislation.

ONJN (Romanian National Gambling Office) License, class II, for the management activity and hosting facilities on a gambling platform
GTS Telecom holds the License for the management activity and hosting facilities on a gambling platform, that was granted for a period of 10 years through the Decision of the Romanian National Gambling Office no. 882, from 19.05.2016. This certifies the quality of the services of our Data Centers and gives us the legal right to host in secure conditions the equipment and data of traditional and online gambling organizers in the data centers of Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca. You can find the list of licensed companies on the website of the Romanian National Gambling Office

ISO 14001 Certification – Environmental management system
As a company we are preoccupied to reduce the impact on the environment with the help of an Environmental management system ISO 14001 certified by Certind.

ISO 45001 Certification – Management system of occupational health and safety
We are permanently focusing on caring for our employees and collaborators through a Management System of occupational health and safety ISO 45001 certified by Certind.